Monday, November 15, 2010


The Australian sun is increasingly so very much stronger....more than most people are aware. The holes in the ozone layer above Australia are becoming larger and our atmosphere thinning due to multiple factors, the largest of which is humans taking advantage of and trashing Mother Earth.

Despite this, often I will be walking around the busy city, look around and notice I am the ONLY person wearing a hat! I'm sure most others aren't even wearing sunscreen, let alone one that doesn't just protect from UVA, but a broad spectrum of UVB as well...and sunglasses!

This being said, I still have no shortage of people, especially strangers, who feel the need to have a go at me because I wear big hats. I do not feel I should have to justify my hat-wearing to anyone, especially since it has no impact on them whatsoever.

So, with my purchase of a new hat, I made a simple alteration....

My hat now pays you out before you can get an insult out of your dirty, little, judgemental mouth!!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I'm Back

October 2010....this was my first shoot in a little while due to personal reasons. It's good to get back into the swing of things and see photography again in a more positive light....pardon the pun.

Myself, with my incredible make up and hair stylist Kirsty put this shoot together. We teamed up with gown designer Eva Q, jewellery designer Lauren Smith and model Amelia.

We were aiming for 4 different 'looks' from the day.

Photographer: Natalie J. Russell
Make Up and Hair Styling: Kirsty Marvelley-Cassells
Gown Designer: Eva Q Huynh
Model: Amelia @ Camerons
Jewellery: Lauren Smith for Stingray Jewels
Stylists: Kirsty Marvelley-Cassells and Natalie J. Russell